Is there a (non-medical) word for the border/skin fold between butt and thigh?
I have a feeling there is one.
In Italian we call it “sottochiappa”
In pole dancing terms that’s the gluteal crease or gluteal fold.
Medically the gluteal fold is the buttcrack.
It’s called the Thutt.
Gluteal fold
Edit: maybe outer-gluteal cleft if you wanted to be cute about it
This sounds like a medical term though
We need to make this @[email protected]’s top comment of all time.
I, too, once long before OP was but a twinkle in his Father’s eye, wondered this same thing
Also took Anatomy/Sports physiology class. But who’s counting?
This is the correct answer.
Yes, this seems to be the correct one. 👍
As opposed to the gluteal fissure, which is the ass crack.
Here I thought that was the cleftal horizon.
Gluteus overhang?
Neuron activation
In German it’s called Arschbackenoberschenkelabtrennfalte
Holy fuck it is for real! I thought it was a made up word lol
I’m German and I also thought you got pranked.
Well, he got pranked
It is made up ;)äßfurche
“All words are made up.”
“Analrinne” ist wirklich ein furchtbares Wort.
If I could imagine anything more German than a long compound word, it’s a wikipedia article dedicated to exactly that thing.
That’s just worse, ass furrow is something I never thought i would read
“Ass cheek thigh separation fold”
Hey Baby, schöner Arschbackenoberschenkelabtrennfalte!
De nada, amigo.
I thought it’s called bananenfalte (bananafold/wrinkle)
Butt cusp
I’ve been calling it the “U-bomb” for years
which stands for “UnderBoob Of My Butt”
This is the best name so far
Idk about an informal word but I call it butt crease. Probably not the medical term but it’s what I call it for medical contexts (as a patient)
That’s what I call it as well. Got clipped by a forklift. Just a welt and a really bad scrape, but it could have been much, much worse.
My SO calls it the smile. They can’t leave mine alone
When they hang out of your short shorts, I have some friends that call them nuggets – “Girl, your nuggets are hanging out”