It is made up ;)äßfurche
Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)
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It is made up ;)äßfurche
You can just not choose representatives based on districts.
Home. Travelling is expensive, destroying the climate, and simply not necessary to relax and have a good time.
You shouldn’t change the gerrymandering, you should be changing the voting system that makes gerrymandering possible in the first place.
Me and the people I love growing, finding more love
Ghost them back. Or sometimes ask politely “so that’s it?” and then continue ghosting them.
There’s really nothing you can or should do, except move on.
I mean, if it’s old and no one cares, I really don’t think it’s a big deal. Yeah, there’s risk, but they likely get DMCAs already all the freakin time from more recent stuff. There’s no risk for them because they’re not the perpetrators, their users are.
I’d say just put it on Just use a VPN and no email that can be traced to you.
Worst thing really that will happen is that it’ll get removed?
yt-dlp was created in October 2020, Soulseek in April 2001, torrents in Juli 2001. Your “ol’ reliable” was created 5 years ago, 19 years younger than its competition. Youtube itself was founded in 2005.
I’m not sure you know what “ol’ reliable” means ;)
You are such a silly goose, I love it
Yep that was it :( no hardware av1 decoding
My phone won’t play it, I think too high quality :D
As always, there’s multiple reasons for things. You did a great job breaking down as much as possible :) the other comments are all right, but you are comprehensive :)
I’m not sure what you mean exactly… Just looked in my block list and I’ve blocked and like 6 or so anime communities, and I don’t remember the last time I had anime in my all feed.
As corollary to the other comments, to find non-political communities to subscribe to.
Most things you can do with your money are unethical, i.e. support a bad system that unnecessarily hurts people.
As far as that goes though, imo visiting the DPRK is a relatively bad one. I don’t see the benefit for yourself, you get to see a tour of exactly what they want you to see, nothing real will ever be experienced. You put yourself in massive danger, tourists there have been detained and killed. All the money you spend goes directly to support the authoritarian government, which only seems to care about giving themselves a life of luxury and their people barely enough so they can maintain their luxury.
You do get a view of an authoritarian regime working firsthand, which is a positive, but I just feel like it’s already good/bad enough to know about it than having experienced it yourself.
So yeah, imo massive amount of reasons against, almost none for.
Might also have gone from “not noticing that she doesn’t value you” to “noticing that she doesn’t value you”.
How is the government stopping you?
Of course they’re fucking leechers, only 0.3 ratio? Pathetic