Hemp seeds are the richest in Mg that I’m aware of atm
Hemp seeds are the richest in Mg that I’m aware of atm
I, too, once long before OP was but a twinkle in his Father’s eye, wondered this same thing
Also took Anatomy/Sports physiology class. But who’s counting?
Gluteal fold
Edit: maybe outer-gluteal cleft if you wanted to be cute about it
God Cohen made a great pivot, actually enjoy his take on things now and again
Its weird with Smithers because heis his assistant and fixer but he seems so parentified in my mind. Like Mr. Burns liteeally depends on and clings to him emotionally like a helpless child
Its for…a…friend…?
How would they describe something purple natively if they stumbled upon something we would describe as purple or violet in language and conceptually? Would it be lumped in with blue or is there a way they could discriminate it linguistically in a non-novel way?
I mean real prices that are up to date, just not actually trading with real money. Like maybe gives you a set amount of fake money to buy something to start with and you go from there
See, this is why I love asking questions and hearing from real people over AI… what AI could have made that connection and here we are?
Fantastic, thanks bro
What would be a good album to start with just off the top of your head so I have a starting point?
Summoning - ?
I’m sort of also going for the Subrosians from Zelda oracle of seasons type vibe aha. No idea why
Yes! Thank you, also space heaters and ac systems. Love diswasher, totes forgot about that!
Table fountains
Little water fountains used inside
Newton’s Cradle
The desk toy with the hanging marbles
Restraint is sexy
Maybe its like in Weeds
They had many points
Dont stahp downvoting urself :)
Right, but that does comparative journalism itself by collating all of it together also with Russian State Media
Its a trade, yar! 🏴☠️