- Blues Brothers
- Any Mel Brooks movie
One at a time. Cant get enough pressure to do both at once.
When has something being illegal stopped anything?
(Pink Floyd - either Time or Another Brick In The Wall)
I liked Origins, but not as an Assassins creed game. I’d say Assassins Creed died with Syndicate.
Apparently the next one wont require uplay (on steam) and will be supported on linux. I’m still not interested in it because of the trend of assassins creed becoming supermassive open world RPGs but it would be nice if it became a trend.
Thats just scan to email with extra steps
I just can’t imagine bragging about being unique for having been middle/upper middle class in the 90s.
Roger Waters: The Wall. Kinda redefined what i would expect from a concert/musical performance
Giant inflatable puppets, building a giant wall out of blocks on stage throughout the concert and projecting imagery onto the new sections as its built, then knocking it down. Fireworks. I think they crashed a prop plane into it to knock it down at the start of the show?
Also kind of a weird show for my dad to have brought 14 year old me to see xD
Lol, you think 1996 is early internet?
Finally, someone to guilt me into doing things
The point of concealed carry, in my eyes, is that people don’t know you have it and are more wary to start shit in general. Open carry just means they wait till you’re asleep to lynch you.
Its still horrifying either way.
Removing mold stains from wood flooring.
Looks like its a developer option, “display cutout”
Ive heard some people use usbC connecting drive enclosures, could probably rig something up with the backplane from one of those, but yeah a finished product like that would be neat.
I think ive seen a mini-PC with a hotswap m.2 bay built in though?
A low power 17 inch or larger laptop in a sub $1K price point. I have big hands (and crap vision) and I use the fuck out of numpad, but i really dont need a gaming GPU or a higher end cpu in a laptop.
Make every doorhandle in the white house a penis.
I don’t think housing is going to come down in any meaningful way. They’ll just be bought up by corporations automatically now when the price dips low enough