There are already cybernetic implants. I think pacemakers count as them.
You only see greyscale? O_o
An alternative is plain old school irc. I’m not kidding.
Connect to then /j #ebooks then !search <author and/or title>
Receive search results via xdcc which gives you the commands to download that stuff.
Or query one of the bots (e. g. @bsk) and get a list of hundreds of thousands of books that are available and search that for what you want.
I prefer that over ad infested one click hosters with countdowns, link shortener cascades and captchas. I find and get the stuff much faster by using irc.
I want an implant that can regulate body functions and even rejuvenate & regenerate me.
What would that mean?
The people back then lived to 60-70 years. The average life expectancy was 30-40 years because of the extremely high child mortality. Almost like half the children died before they became 10 years old. Most of them died within their first year when the body and immune system are still very weak.
Thank you very much!
That was quick!
That escalated fast. Multiple times, too! 😲
Are there any services left that feature a security question? I thought that all died out years ago when 2FA was introduced.
The breeder of my dog gave him the name Timber vom Uckersee (Timber of Ucker lake). Yes, he was considered a noble because the breeder made sure to keep the blood line clean and that the dog showed all the features that defines this particular breed.
The Ucker lake is a lake nearby. The dog was part of the 20th litter of the breeder that’s why all the offspring got names starting with a t, the 20th letter of the alphabet.
We usually called our dog just Timmi (or Timmy for English speakers). He was a cocker spaniel with red fur and lived to an age of 14.5 years. A good age for that breed (13-15 years life expectancy). Unfortunately we had to put him down. He had a disease that reduced the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. By the time we discovered it all his inner organs were too damaged for him to continue living without serious disabilities.
Now that I remember him I feel sad that I lost him.
In the USA something like 8% of adults have ideal metabolic health, that means 92% have a compromised immune system
Do you have a (written) source for that? I want to see how they came up with the numbers. Should be interesting.
I read the news just to entertain myself. And then I ignore the content because most news are just depressing: Armed conflict here, murder there, capital offense, you get the gist.
For several months I didn’t read any news, that works too. You’ll realize that most of the stuff in the tv and tabloids doesn’t affect you.
And for the third point I do whatever it takes to distract, lose in or occupy myself completely. That could be a book with a nice story or some outdoor activity. Yesterday I did some kind of mini-camping. I took my bicycle and brought a camping chair, gas stove, water and cocoa powder and rode a bit into the woods. And then I had some quiet relaxing time reading a book on my phone. The hot chocolate and a thick jacket kept me from freezing. It was only 10 °C/50 °F and a bit windy.
I’ll repeat that tomorrow but this time I’ll switch the cocoa to tomato-soup-in-a-cup. The cocoa was too sweet for my taste.
Yes, this seems to be the correct one. 👍