one at a time for maximum delta-P
I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too.
Other versions of me:
one at a time for maximum delta-P
I’ve been calling it the “U-bomb” for years
which stands for “UnderBoob Of My Butt”
How can you tell if you’ve been ghosted? Maybe they just got busy with other things.
It’s important that you know: the singular of “dice” is “die”.
I really like chartreuse, and am drawn to Ryobi for that reason. But I get most of my tools secondhand or as gifts, so I rarely pick.
my mom’s on lemmy and she doesn’t like when I call myself fat
That’s that the grater’s for, yeah.
Pedicure is also what fat lazy bastards like me get instead of bending over to trim our own toenails.
They don’t break out the polish for my feet. They get out a ping-pong paddle sized cheese grater. The go at my cuticles with what I swear look like electrician’s pliers.
But damn if my feet don’t feel great afterwards!
Me, I just like beer better than wine, and the kind of things I tend to eat for lunch pair better with beer.
Yes, I drink almost exclusively at lunch.
American English; and a mix of Mexican, Boriquen, and Argentine Spanish
Because all their contacts and photos are already there.
Toronto, IIRC
How do you reconcile that with your discomfort about much of your connection to religion being circumstantial? Isn’t that very different than what you just told me?
So, just now, I was explaining what she meant. How it relates to my answer above being uncomfortable is that I can’t grow in my faith unless I’m honest with myself about the shortcomings of my faith, including any shaky foundations.
After all, the post you just gave me is the practiced rhetoric of a firm believer. You were able to fall back into it quite easily, but does it accurately reflect how you really feel?
Cutting right to the quick of it, aren’t you? As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, I am a cradle Episcopalian and it shouldn’t be surprising that I have the official ready to drop, but what I wrote above is, yes, something I fully believe even after poking at it with my skeptical mind.
Do you still feel this tie to Christ and that you are being held to this divine mandate given that you were saying you (your faith?) was at a low point a couple posts earlier?
I don’t always feel as tied to Christ as I would prefer, or maybe better to say as much as Zi think I should be. But yes, I still feel the impetus to follow the example of Christ even in these low times, because I genuinely think a path of radical love, forgiveness, charity, and empathy is ideal. On that, I can hope at least I’ve been consistent.
Yes, so much that I once wrote a poem comparing her to waves breaking on the shore.
She, uh… did not appreciate the gesture.
Definitely the “go out of your comfort zone” take. Christ loves us as we are, but you can’t stay the same, act the same, and have the true repentance required for salvation. Striving to be better is not comfortable. Confronting your own sins is not comfortable. Empathizing with the downtrodden is not comfortable. Going out and getting your hands dirty and your bank account emptier to help the poor, the sick, the widowed and orphaned, the homeless, the hurting is not comfortable. But that’s what the example of Christ requires us to do.
The Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs
tildes seems pretty active
spacebattles as well
and the dwarf fortress forum, too