Is it not working well? What is it lacking?
Is it not working well? What is it lacking?
I like etymology, so when I learned anatomy I looked up the latin (or sometimes greek) origins, and they are usually very descriptive! Acetabulum = small vinegar cup. Processus coracoideus = the pointy thing that looks like a ravens beak. Occiput (via “ob caput”) = the back of the head. Etc.
Aha! I did not know that.
It’s a fictional and real religion from a book called the illuminatus trilogy.
As a man, I wish clothes would make me feel desirable. I have asked my girlfriend which clothes she would like to see me in, but she says it’s not about the clothes. That it doesn’t matter. It’s more about what I do. So I just dress in plain, comfortable, practical clothes which makes me, well, practical. Useful. I often wish I had options to just be desired for my body, without the pressure to achieve this or that to be desirable. It’s a source of sadness for me.
This is the correct answer.