Respond. To anything.
I need to think about it for an hour or a week before responding. I likely will forget what I was thinking about and never finish the thought.
Tell you when i remember.
Pretty much everything unless I write it down on my notebook or add it to one of my to do lists
To live my life instead of just being alive.
like everything. I usually have emails and such I read through again and again to orient myself on what im doing.
Same… when I write a mail at work I usually add details so my forgetful ass can look up what I did later, in case I need to reproduce the task. It’s not necessarily important to the recipients.
yeah I would not mind an email system that would allow me to add notes without it effecting the chain. So I could still reply all and the notes would stay with the chain but no one would see them.
I usually forget to buy something while grocery shopping, whether it be in person, or ordering. There’s no pattern behind it, the items are completely unrelated to a theme (eg. coffee, soap, mouthwash, bread, milk, eggs, potatoes, salt, etc.) as far as I can tell, I just forget to buy something.
We have a little whiteboard on the fridge, and every time we run out of something or think of something we need, we write it up. When going to the supermarket, I take a photo with my phone - instant shopping list!
Oh, I type out a full list every time on my phone, check it about 3-4 times when starting, then I get cocky as “of course I remember what’s on the list, I read it 5 minutes ago…” and proceed to forget about that one thing.
I don’t remember
medicine. I am so bad at remembering my medicine 😭
it doesn’t help that once I get back in my anti depressants it makes me feel sad as shit for like 2 days
Do you use pillboxes? Made a huge difference for me. They have slots per day of the week. I have 5 color coded ones. 2 greens are new. 2 blues, and a red when I’m almost out. I refill everytime I fill my prescription.