are you blocking the actual communities because like I don’t know what might be wrong with my feed but I don’t even think I have seen 10 communitites. are you maybe just blocking users?
are you blocking the actual communities because like I don’t know what might be wrong with my feed but I don’t even think I have seen 10 communitites. are you maybe just blocking users?
Dual seems rather limited. I mean unitarians and bahai combine more than two.
Piers anthony wrote a fantasy series with the idea of it being somewhat educational. It has this thing where the stories take place in different points in history and its like the characters are reincarnated but its not even quite like that. It is that everything that happened in the story has happened to the characters but the time period changes but at any particular point in the stories the characters would remember all the events as taking place in the time period they are currently in. Its hard to describe but I really liked it but I now notice there are five books and I only read the first three.
Sorry no. My condo is massively in need of renovation and I was saving and planning for it before I lost my job so luckily that ended up being a thing to get me through it.
nothing I can control. All sorts of things im hoping for.
I don’t view them any worse than google or yahoo or reddit, etc. etc. I do like refering to the fediverse as the federation but thats just my star trek bias.
clapper. plug it in and its good to go. don’t want to block it in to much though and muffle sound getting to it.
I don’t think vernacular like this always follow like that. I mean how did some names come to be used of euphamisms about the penis. dick, cock, johnson, etc.
I mean its not want to cut my ears off but im not a rap fan. Well there are these songs were you have usually a girl singing a halfway decent tune and so I stop flipping through the stations and then suddenly the guy comes in with the rap and its like a trap. Ugh. change the station. This is sorta funny because I do like some songs with rap but generally its when the rap is treated more like one of many instruments that blends in with the song but does not dominate it or acts as an accent to the song.
No its not made to do wireless communication.
not only my phone case but my wallet. Not sure how someone could tell at a glance though.
I only technically have smartphone. its either not on me or turned off in a foil pouch.
There was a woman in my microbiology program who did not believe in evolution. We extracted dna in labs and put plasmides into ecoli and such. It was weird.
You need to be fine not being in a relationship. If you do not achieve this then the chances of having a good relationship goes to practically zero. This is true for men and women. If you are fine not being in a relationship then you will either be unbothered by this or end it or talk with him more openly about the relationship to a point where it gets fixed or ends.
yeah but all the species won’t be and its already to late for some. aaaannnnd im reading the nom nom part and putting it together.
tonight im drinkin but normally fantasy but I can’t allow myself much outside of bedtime. Like here is a nice one. Wouldn’t it be great if that cigar shaped extra solar object had uploaded us all to a simulation and destroyed our more polluting constructs and the worlds biosphere were actually healing now. Would be nice.
yup but its a good size from my experience when engaging with it overall. if we get larger we will definately need more niche things.
not really. I wish there was a better search at least for mbin web so I can find things easier though. its like oh that one guy recommended firefox tabs or such. feeds my tab addiction though.
algorithms are going to come regardless of what anyone wants.
I mean I have not been paying much attention except for church of thighentology but just checked there and a quick scroll or two showed different people posting.