- Airplane (Flying High)
- Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
- The Empire Strikes Back
There’s a detective show called Reyka that I found very interesting.
How do you think they got nice feet? Call and tell them the situation, they’ve seen everything.
People breaking lines manually by pressing Enter and indenting the paragraph by inserting spaces at the beginning of the line.
Maria Brink and In This Moment
Your mom
I also choose this man’s ex wife.
Where would the poo go? The only thing I can think of is that it would back up until it comes out your mouth. (Although I can think of a few people that talk shit, maybe that’s what happened).
I don’t think welding would work. You’d have to stitch it shut and wait for the flesh to grow together, which might take a few weeks. I don’t know if cauterisation would count as welding, and I don’t know if the seam would be strong enough to resist the back pressure. If it tears open due to said pressure, there’s also the risk of infection due to foreign matter entering the bloodstream.
Why don’t you start with a cork or a butt plug and see how well it works after the first twelve hours? Then if you like the result, apply superglue for a quick fix.
Check out Cryochamber on Bandcamp, there’s a lot of dark ambient that might suit you.
No, fuck that shit. Although I have been known to use the words clarinet, oboe, saxophone, spanner, and oompa-loompa in public.
For some reason this cartoon comes to mind:
Check your local ordinances.
Is it legal? Probably. Is it appropriate? Probably not. Are you able to approach your neighbour and provide your feedback? Many problems can be solved by communication.
And yet you didn’t tell the tale! Are you ok? Do you feel comfortable talking about it?
Not all at the same time:
Why do you throw litter out of your car?
We have a little whiteboard on the fridge, and every time we run out of something or think of something we need, we write it up. When going to the supermarket, I take a photo with my phone - instant shopping list!
He arrives neither early or late, but precisely when he means to.
John Hopkins on Short History Of has the most beautiful soothing voice.