When you say bookings, do you mean microsoft bookings? I tried it, but I can’t figure out how to get it to use more than one calendar
Physics and Free Software
When you say bookings, do you mean microsoft bookings? I tried it, but I can’t figure out how to get it to use more than one calendar
Why not with screencap?
Interesting. I’ll try it out!
“Hoisted by your own petard” is from Hamlet. Equivalent to “It blew up in your own face” but with more of a cause of hippocracy
There are a lot of good Texasism. I was living in Texas when I first heard “Oh bless her heart.”. Mean either she’s a good person, or she’s dumber than dog shit.
But does the pope shit in the woods?
That’s one that always bothered me too. When I say “Jesus fucking Christ” I mean it. Which is it’s own weird ism when you think about it…
Colors you can differentiate from one another by type (power vs hand vs misc) and see from a distance so they hard to misplace. I use dewalt for powertools, kobalt for hand tools, and bright, but different colors for everything else e.g. pony clamps, neon craftsman levels. This makes it easy to put everything away, and spot when you are looking for them in the middle of working and you don’t know where you put something. Several thumbs up for a random, but interesting question!
Thousands of unread emails in an inbox.
Using a downloads folder as your entire filesystem.
Anything that has a popup telling me about a new feature that 1) has existed for a long time and 2) I already knew about (basically office 365)
Features and button I can’t remove (basically office 365 and copilot)
When something changes its name to become less descriptive. (Basically microsoft office to office 365 to windows 365 to 365 to 3)
Basically office 365
Bonus: How do onedrive? With local file system? Where is my even? Fuck
Oh also those assholes who “hAvE aN aPp IdEa”. Less so when it’s a shittier version of something that already exists and you can ruin their dreams of become the next zuck or gates. (But also, if it was actually a good idea, why wouldn’t I just steal it?)
When people learn you can program and they think you can program everything. (See previous comment)
People who call it “coding” instead of “programming”. I am writing a program as in what you read to know what is occuring at an event? Like a play? Something with scenes and acts. There is progression from beginning to end. What I am doing is creating a routine for an actor. I’m not writing hieroglyphics, and if you are too stupid to realize that, you shouldn’t get to name the fucking thing.
People who ask for help and are upset when you tell them you fixed the problem before, taught them how to do it themselves, and procede to tell them they are wasting your time, don’t listen, or are an imbicile.
Using other people’s keyboards. At all.
When IT treats you like the rest of the unwashed masses. When IT gets in your way or confiscates something. When people think you are literal IT (Why the fuck would I be able to reset your workday password?)
I’m going to stop before the vein in my forehead explodes. Again. But I’ll probably add more later.
People who lift their laptop by their screen
When a document of fixed length and short paragraphs, like a resume or letter, has a paragraph split at the bottom and continued on the next page
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Be patient. We are going up not down
I was going to add to tablesaw too. Safety is like security: use layers. Machines have switches and their own safeties. But you know what’s better? Put that behind another switch. And unplug it when you leave the room. You shouldn’t be able to turn it on until you are ready to use it. Again like security, it always pays to be a little paranoid
What is murnog? Sounds Klingon
Take all this for a grain of salt I’m at work and didn’t have time to verify these numbers. I got them from AI, but the order makes sense. They also don’t include secondary and tertiary effects. E.g. what tariffs on China will do to goods imported from Japan.
In the United States, corn, soybeans, and wheat are projected to go up a maximum of 5%. We produce upwards of 40% of those goods, so they will be the ones which will impact other countries the most. Meat will go up more. We domestically produce 12-15% of the world supply of pork and beef. Produce is going to be hit badly. Up to 40%.
Gasoline and other fossil fuels is difficult to determine. We import a lot from other countries, directly from Canada, but companies based out of the United States have off shore drilling rights in locations around the world. Increased costs of fossil fuels, may have increased incentive for renewables and nuclear, but oil companies have historically passed those losses on to consumers.
Yewtube and/or ytdlp. I have a script which downloads any new videos from channels I typically watch. I use ytdlp to download music too
Don’t let you dreams be memes