When examined, or just because it’s weird on its own.
Example: Beat a dead horse
- You whip a horse to go faster
- It dies from being whipped too much
- You still want the horse to go faster
- You continue to whip it
When examined, or just because it’s weird on its own.
Example: Beat a dead horse
A humerous combo of ‘Do bears shit in the woods?’ and ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’ Which are two jokey ways of saying ‘Yeah, obviously, duh’.
My wife used to work in the backcountry. Lots of unpaved remote roads. Bears apparently do not shit in the woods. They shit on the road.
Do they, or did someone put a road through a bear’s outhouse?
Ironically, from a truck driver I learned bears seem to shit an awful lot in the roadway.
But does the pope shit in the woods?
No, but bears are catholic
No, he’s trapped in the pope mobile , that thing isn’t equipped for offroad travel