• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024


  • A job (assuming it’s one I’ve not already got): they don’t want you, move on. It’s the same thing as a rejection. You can chase up once but I don’t see why bother more than once.

    A person you’re talking to romantically: check in on them, if they don’t respond after messaging a few times over a few days it’s deliberate and they’re not interested. Move on. It probably wasn’t that serious if they ghosted you, or if you’re actually in a serious monogamous relationship and they ghost you then I’d either worry they’ve actually gone missing or something’s happened to them, or they are just a massive asshole to not be able to actually break up with you properly.

  • Communism is not concerned with “left” and “right”, bourgeois ideological categories. Communism is the political programme of the revolutionary proletariat, or the real movement to abolish the current state of things, etc. I have no more in common with the liberal politicians who call themselves “left-wing” than I do with a fascist, so it makes no sense to place communism along a linear scale like left/right where it is suggested that communism holds more in common with a political position the further “left” it is. And whether or not communists hold a certain view has no relation to how “left-wing” it is; for instance, in the US, they consider being anti-gun to be a “left” position, but communists are pro-gun.

    Communism arises out of an especially politically conscious stratum of the proletariat, and is generated more broadly by capitalism itself, which creates the conditions for its own demise. If communism could only come from already existing communists then there wouldn’t be any communists anymore given all the massacres of communists throughout history.

    Communists would not agree with you about politics working like a marketplace of ideas where each idea proponent has to convince enough people of their idea to get a foothold. We see politics as class conflict and communists coming from the militant working class. Capitalism creates the material conditions for a communist movement to arise, and communism will continue to spring up again time after time of suppressing, mass incarcerating, massacring, etc communists.

    Finally, it is obviously a very reactionary take that anyone should be obliged to have children. There’s a reason why it’s mostly ethnonationalists who are big on that stuff… Doubly so if you mean actually creating children and not adopting existing children. It is incredibly misogynistic to expect women to give up our bodies for your fantasy of popping out “leftist” babies. Pregnancy permanently changes a person’s body, is often disabling, and humans have one of the highest childbirth mortality rates in the animal kingdom not accounting for modern medicine. Not to mention that even if your body popped back to normal after giving birth, it’s still fucked up to expect anyone to dedicate 9 months of their life to being essentially disabled and then go through agonising pain at the end of that 9 month period. Even if you only mean adopting children, those children have to come from somewhere, and implicit in that expectation would be the expectation for, primarily women, to have to sacrifice their health to produce children.

  • A centrist mainstream national newspaper to be aware of what the political mainstream is concerned about.

    Al Jazeera for international news.

    Articles sent to me by friends and comrades for news on more specific matters that may not make more mainstream news.

    And groupchats and internal publications of organisations I’m in for both more politically-relevant news (eg news of local strikes that often aren’t otherwise reported on) and commentary.

  • You likely also participate in rituals that were taught to you that are not solely grounded in logic or science. Do you do things in a certain order for no reason other than your parents taught you to do so? Do you avoid eating certain foods because you never ate them growing up?

    People who are raised religious may not be fanatic believers, but they may still be “culturally religious” e.g. take part in Ramadan, avoid eating pork, because that’s the way they grew up, and a lot of the time it means they can be included in cultural matters of the community they come from.

    As for why some people are proper religious, fully believing and all, I also don’t think all beliefs have to be rational. Some beliefs are comforting. If it helps someone to get through a difficult time by believing there’s a higher power rooting for them, or who has pre-planned their suffering for a greater good, they may choose to believe that because it’s mentally easier. Arguably that is a rational belief anyway because it benefits you and makes your life easier to get through.