no state at all, I’m a libertarian socialist
no state at all, I’m a libertarian socialist
I mean china is an authoritarian state, that kinda thing never works for long
uhm nope it isn’t, in fact a lot of economists are against the state (eg: ludwig van mises)
also everything is bad when state backed imo, even communism
or as I tend to say:“I like my communism the same way I like my toilet: without the state watching over it”
> So, what you’re actually saying you’d rather live under capitalism because it’s not impacting your freedom
that’s wrong, I belive that I have more freedom in (unregulated) capitalism that’s not state backed, than in a one party system without democratic principles
> and you don’t care about others.
that’s not true, I want others to be as free as I am
> Meanwhile, claiming that western Germany was economically stronger than the USSR is another example of you being divorced from reality.
you’re literally making this up, I sayed that western germany was ALMOST as economicaly strong as the entire ussr, which is true
> It’s the same sort of logic people applied to modern Russia comparing its GDP to Italy. Now, it turns out Russian industrial production is higher than all of the west combined.
first source I found:
this says something completely different
> This is how capitalism rots people brains, they start thinking imaginary numbers are more important than material reality.
so at first: you were wrong, but you also were double wrong, because even if russia did produce more than the US there’s still the question of what to be made and for whom, russia probably produces more war assets rn, and that isn’t necessarily a good thing, since they now can produce less of stuff the people actually need (that statement itself wouldn’t be true if the russian economy was growing and they were exporting their war assets, but the opposite is the case, they produce the war assets to burn them on the battlefield and their economy also isn’t looking good)
and for what belive have you been banned there?
no, I just think that freedom is more important than defeating capitalism
I’d rather take my hrt, guns and free speech over a vanguard, sorry
also see how it has worked in russia, how the soviet union has defeated capitalism and how capitalist western germany was almost economically stronger than the entire ussr (including eastern germany)
so you are not a vanguardist?
or am I wrong about vanguardism being bad?
please elaborate
don’t really think so, I’ve seen pretty much any form of leftists over there, tho they will disagree with you regarding genocide acusations in china
I don’t like the state and like the idea of a vanguard party even less and I belive that user to be vanguardist
if you’re looking for an instance that won’t ban you based on your political belives check out
EDIT: not entirely true, you actually have to belive in basic human rights to be part of this community
never seen an anarchist on hexbear tbh, but I’ve been alwaus banned pretty fast for stating my opinions on the state and the ukraine war
just like vanguardism
just look at rome, or any other empire for that matter, didn’t last for ever, I was talking about the history of humanity, not a few lifetimes