Just don’t expect nuance or depth. Or, in case of languages that aren’t closely related to yours, to be understood.
she/her, A(u?)DHD, German (linksgrünversifft), fanartist. Likes Doctor Who a normal amount. Also other nerdy BS. 🖖⚛️🦄🐙🦖🎮🗾
✨ #fckafd #fckcdu #fckmrz ✨
Just don’t expect nuance or depth. Or, in case of languages that aren’t closely related to yours, to be understood.
Might also discourage people from feeding the trolls.
notify you every time you get 5 upvotes
Is that a new thing? I’m pretty sure it didn’t do that before I left.
Wer zu doof (oder, wie manche in Gefilden deutscher Rechtsprechung sagen… zu klug?) für Torrents ist, kann sich, rein interessehalber natürlich, mal mit Open Directories auseinander setzen. Ein wissenschaftlich sehr interessantes Thema.
New legs. Not special ones, just new ones that aren’t shit. Man that sounds like a downer. I’ll take a mechanical hand that doesn’t hurt when I forget to take breaks from drawing for 12 hours. And some ocular implant to tell me the name of that person who just waved at me and who clearly knows me.
I can think of other things that sound cool on paper but I’ve consumed enough media to know that they’re VERY bad ideas and not worth it.
Cool, thank you for teaching me something :)
What’s the distinction between cocktails and mixed drinks?
Apparently there are people who receive monetary compensation for drawing comics. Some apparently can even do that as their main job. That’s what I heard at least, they seem to be rare.
Learning about the world, in school and by reading humongous amounts of books when I was a kid and preteen. I eventually realised that “nah, I don’t believe that.” and that was that.
That’s the sanitised version lol. A number of those books were by Erich von Däniken, unfortunately, and that simply “overwrote” Christianity in my young and impressionable science-fiction loving mind. Luckily I continued learning and not TOO long after I realised that was bullshit too and in the process I also actually realised why religion doesn’t make sense to me.
tl;dr: HP Lovecraft made me atheist
Oh okay. Thanks for teaching me something.
Apparently that means no shampoo, only conditioner…? On the rare occasion that I use conditioner, it goes in after the shampoo is out and stays in for however long it takes me to soap the rest of my body.
Also why we endlessly do the hip wiggle to avoid going to the loo until it hurts.
“Just do [X]” does not compute, whether X is “yoga”, “sports”, “[specific diet]”, “the laundry”, or simply “it”. It is never simply “just”. The inability to “just” start doing a thing (especially without any immediate reward) is one of the central symptoms of ADHD and if you say “just do [X]”, you’re essentially saying “just don’t have ADHD”.
ADHD also doesn’t mean you are/were bad in school. Not by a long shot.
Nay, I daresay I judge it not possible, goode Sir or Lady, notte now nor e’er.