This guy at school who my sister knows keeps meowing. My sister also has him added on social media, where he sends random videos of farting, burping, or him saying stuff in a weird voice to all his contacts of people his age?
Is this just typical teenage boy behavior? I didn’t talk to many boys at that age, nor were they American/English-speaking boys so I don’t know.
There’s a concept in Japanese called chuunibyou, which translates to “8th grade syndrome.” Basically, teenagers (and especially early teenagers) are exceptionally cringe. Frankly, I feel reasonably confident that everyone has at least several memories that keep them up at night from that time in their lives. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
Some important things that happened in high school I posted about using the worst xD speak ever and I hate seeing them.
A friend blocked my number for a week because I wouldn’t stop texting him and talking to him in “ermagerd” speak.
Ermahgerd I’m so sorry to hear that. Rest in pieces. This is so sad, Alexa, play Despacito.
Well, like I keep reminding my teenager, teenagers are idiots.
They can’t help it. Their brains are still cooking in puberty juice
Every single person you’ve ever known was an idiot as a teenager. The only questions are how big of one, and was it obvious to everyone around them or not?
But, yeah, that general kind of idiocy is pretty common. “I’m so random! hahahahah!” It’s a thing. Back in my day, we didn’t have the benefit of the internet, so we had to be loud when we were being idiots for attention.
The meowing part is just a variation on a theme that runs through teenagers where a vaguely inoffensive noise is used often enough and long enough to become offensive to the ear.
An example of teenage stupidity: back in high school, me and one of my friends had a pact. At any point, one of us could call out “Merry Christmas!”. The other, regardless of when or where it was, had to respond with “shitter’s full!” The price of failing to do so? Nothing at all, it was just two idiot teenagers being idiots. The staff at school were smart enough to ignore it and eventually we stopped because we moved on to other stupidity. Well, for a while; the last time we ran into each other was a year ago, and we were in our late forties, but I called out Merry Christmas, and he sure as fuck yelled out that his shitter was full.
I never said adults weren’t idiots too ;)
Push out a saucer of milk and provide updates please.
Someone get the kid a link to a suitable Fediverse instance
That seems pretty typical kinda unfortunate kid blunder years behaviour. If deep down they’re a good person they will hopefully figure out this isn’t a good way to get attention and look back and cringe, but there’s a risk this’ll lead to inceldom.
Most likely they are lonely and are blundering their way through trying to find a way to not be lonely
Finding your place in society and connecting with others can be really hard sometimes, and no one helps people who get it this badly wrong. It’s just easier to ignore, avoid and ridicule. Hope this poor kid figures it out.
Alternatively, as a weird kid that grew up to be an autustic adult, he could --through this weird behaviour – potentially find other kids of his ilk (hell, it only takes one close friend) and they can blunder through together.
Shout out to my best friend of 20-some years, with whom I once dressed up as a Monty python and the holy grail character and skipped around the park carrying coconuts and shouting weird things about shrubberies.
Thank fuck social media wasn’t around when I was a weird 10 year old.
This boy is 14, (not really) surprisingly
Not surprising at all, puberty is when the weird behaviour really gets into gear, hormones make you painfully awkward.
Ah yeah thats normal
Get it on video. Every time you play it during his adult years, he’ll die inside a little more.
(Not sure if you guys can answer this) Guy at my sister’s school keeps meowing?
I think the answer to that question is “yes”
I went through a lolrandom phase as a teen where I just said nonsensical or edgy things to try to get a laugh out of people. He probably just wants attention.
She’s under no obligation to put up with it if it’s annoying or gross, of course. Not getting the reaction you want is part of how you grow out of it and learn how to have a sincere conversation.
this is just shitposting, nothing to dig deep into
I just watched the TV show Mo the other day. In S02E05 or so the main character is in jail and there is a guy who is meowing and all the other characters think this guy has some problem and is weird. Everyone thinks it’s funny at start but is annoyed by it soon after.
I think it might be a tick like people who have tourettes syndrom or similar.
Does your school allow cat-calling in the halls?