On the phone? Because otherwise, why not cut and paste?
On the phone? Because otherwise, why not cut and paste?
“Freedom” = You can choose what you want to do
“Security” = limits on what you want to do.
Not always, but generally.
Sometimes if someone else has more freedom, that can lessen your security/safety.
I was going to answer, but then you clarified on the body of your post that you only wanted answers from people in the US, lol
Like Elon Musk cutting government services to save the US taxpayer money.
…is what some weirdos I know seem to genuinely believe
I was interested in your post title.
But your post suggests your title was misinformed.
Your premise is “Ghosts must be real because an arbitrary 1% of ghost sightings must be real”. That’s not statistics, that’s you trying to convince yourself you’re right by misusing math.
The need for social belonging is exactly why there are gay communities. And the internet! Haha
Ahh, I didn’t get to that part of my French classes, lol
I learned that “ne” and “pas” are like a sandwich, and the verb stuff being negated is the sandwich contents, so that stuck with me. Lol
Thanks for the correction!
Me: What??? Ok sure, Coworker 2
Small talk with coworker 1 doesn’t work at all because they will randomly randomly act condescending to you when you make a joke or say something that doesn’t land exactly with them.
…so are you coworker 1? Lol
I’m familiar with the hierarchy, but I’m failing to see how or why it would be used to say that queer people would always be unhappy. What’s that all about?
10/10 joke
n’avoir pas (verb goes in the middle)
I know it still needs to be conjugated. I also accept the possibility that I could be wrong.
Is he/it? I have to wonder if this is one of those “The Beatles are overrated” kinds of opinions
I thought you were talking about college instructors until you mentioned high school… especially because you referred to “women” instead of girls…
You might’ve missed the word “not” in my previous comment, lol
EDIT: My apologies if I misread your intention – I’d entertained the idea that someone would try to goad me into an argument on the same topic, so I didn’t get invested in thinking too much about your comment.
Another commenter clued me in as to what you were probably getting at, and I think we’re in agreement, lol
Sometimes that’s just the up/downvote train. Sometimes people will just see the first couple of comments in an argument and just downvote/upvote alternatingly. Despite the idea that the votes are usually for what contributes to discussion, and not agree/disagree votes…
I’m just going to assume you’re not a racist looking for an excuse to downplay racism
I had a multi-week long argument with someone on Reddit who was convinced that racism is irrelevant and/or doesn’t exist because it’s a distraction from class warfare or something.
I argued that yes, the rich are screwing us over, but racism still exists and is bad and you shouldn’t be racist.
They made responses that were at least 3x as long as mine. They didn’t really ever say anything new, except to say that my points were wrong because class warfare. After they went on a rant in response to my comment to the effect of “it’s still not nice to pretend racism doesn’t exist”, I lost hope with this person.
I started replying to them by mentioning something they said, then followed it up by copy-pasting some of my previous comments to them. I didn’t even read their essays. I started pawning off my replies to ChatGPT, and they’d reply every time. Unless they were also using an LLM and telling it to include typos and stuff, it looked like they were still vehemently arguing with me/ChatGPT.
After a few weeks of almost daily replies, I gave a two-sentence reply where I admitted that I wasn’t even reading their replies because I thought their opinion was nonsense and the “conversation” had been going nowhere.
I didn’t get a reply to that comment.
As unpopular as this may be, LLMs (aka. “AI” like ChatGPT).
I don’t think we’ve seen something that’ll change the world as much as I think it will since the Internet was introduced. It will change the way we interact with computers. For a lot of people, it already has.
Congrats!! As I’m sure you can imagine, I am incredibly excited for COI!
Ur-Quan Masters (aka. Star Control 2)
But, it’s not really abandoned anymore. The developers are FINALLY making an official sequel!
The sequel is not open source, but UQM/SC2 is.
This happened in the early 2000s, but I think they found the source code to a port of the game and said “We haven’t earned any money from sales of this game in a decade [and buying digital games wasn’t really a thing yet, as people generally believed that anything digital shouldn’t have a price], so let’s release this to the community to open source as long as they do all the reverse porting and support!”
Hmm…if it’s close, I’d just use my keyboard. If it’s far, I’d probably want the precision of the cursor anyway.