No, he’s trapped in the pope mobile , that thing isn’t equipped for offroad travel
Imma gonna call him winnie the pooh all I want and you can’t stop me
No, he’s trapped in the pope mobile , that thing isn’t equipped for offroad travel
I’d hazard miniscule crap on one of the teeth the other mobo was juust enough in tolerance to catch
Was the first person in Australia to complete dual recognition (tertiary certificate through VCE )
We were the pilot. Of the small class, two dropped out, third failed. I passed with a cert iv in horticulture alongside my VCE.
peers very confusedly from fredmail
well given that i already did and the whole concept and spirit of this post appears to have flown right over your head you’re lookin’ a wee bit trollish there bud.
It’s less ‘too much pc’ and more ‘purity politics’ imo
There’s a great post on tumblr that really fuckin’ nailed it:
“The trannies should be able to piss in whatever toilet they want and change their bodies however they want. Why is it my business if some chick has a dick or a guy has a pie? I’m not a trannie or a fag so I don’t care, just give 'em the medicine they need.”
“This is an LGBT safe space. Of COURSE I fully support individuals who identify as transgender and their right to self-determination! I just think that transitioning is a very serious choice and should be heavily regulated. And there could be a lot of harm in exposing cis children to such topics, so we should be really careful about when it is appropriate to mention trans issues or have too much trans visibility.”
One of the above statements is Problematic and the other is slightly annoying. If we disagree on which is which then working together for a better future is going to get really fucking difficult.
someone hoards huge amounts of items they can’t possibly ever use we rightly consider them to be mentally ill. someone hoards more money than they could ever possibly spend in several lifetimes and we think they’re a goddamn virtuoso fuuuuuck that shit.
eh, the question was “What do you believe that most people of your political creed don’t?” rather than “change my mind”
Could probably start a flame war on where I draw the line. Josef Fritzl or Albert Fish deserve/d to be put the fuck down. But then I’d consider Dahmer the other side of the line, he committed horrific crimes but he was clearly deeply mentally ill and the result of severe societal failures.
Rabies victims and rabid as in dangerous are different things mein freund
I don’t do it either, but i’m an older queer so i see it as painting a target on my back.
Sometimes people are that rabid they need to be removed from existence
your comment is heavily intimating that the 18 year old would be responsible if the 13 year old turned out to be damaged from neglect. That duty does not fall on siblings. it falls on parents. By shifting that responsibility you are attempting to make the sibling the parent in this dynamic.
While you’re pop psyching over there ya might want to look up ‘parentification’
It’s someone’s fetish for sure
Why stop there?
Bless you.
I deliberately leave stuff that’s been a bastard to get seeding as long as physically possible. We’ve all felt the pain. Don’t spread it.
There are a lot of female lead movies / tv shows, but on the internet there are also a lot of toxic, misogynistic little bastards. I think you’re waking up a bit to the media you consume.
Black swan, alien, death becomes her, million dollar baby, thelma and louise, ghostbusters afterlife, crazy ex girlfriend, orange is the new black, schitts creek (50/50) Buffy, dead to me, xena, just off the top of my head. All massive hits, all majority / equal female presences.
That said, there are screechers and the whiners all over the internet…and they’re dipshits being amplified beyond what they should.
The bible is a collection of thousands of years of oral history and societal laws put to paper generations after the fact, allegory and letters to random fuckers and varying accounts of a Jewish cult leader who was executed for crimes against the state. It’s gonna have a potted narrative.