Neat! Now if I could see which of my subscriptions has new posts/comments.
Neat! Now if I could see which of my subscriptions has new posts/comments.
Most sites that were hosted before 2010 are gone now.
I hosted a forum for guilds in several games I played over the years. I had mine up from 2005-2019 but my board’s php version got way behind the host‘a and it no longer works. Someday I will find someone to help me fix it, or start a new one.
The benefit to a forum is that posts with new comments move to the top. If a Reddit/Lemmy post gets a single new comment it may or may not be seen again by anyone except the OP or of the comment was a reply then to the op of the replied comment.
Some forums do have up/down votes as well as nested comments.
Her company is basically pulling out of the states all together from what we understand.
My wife’s company (pharmaceutical) is closing most of their offices in the states. Her job was relocated to Ontario, so while it is not Alberta, we may be becoming Canadian.
I live in the US, I will get a vacation when I am dead.
Looks more salmon to me.
mlem can do this.
Sounds like a question for them.
In addition to the bands already listed I wanted to add:
Burning Witches is an all female Swiss heavy/power metal band. I found them while listening to Dio covers.
Frozen Crown is a female fronted Italian Power Metal band.
Volturian is a female fronted Italian symphonic metal band.
I saw Visions open for Korpiklaani last May and quickly fell in love with them. Illumishade also opened, another band with a female vocalist.
If you learn to drive a manual, you can easily hop into an automatic and drive. It is not easy to drive a manual without and training. Even if you never drive a manual after learning, you still have that knowledge in case of an emergency.
Same even if they only give me 20/20 vision
It is also Finnish for shark.
ETA: it also is Estonian, and Norwegian for shark.
I never believed, I was told I had to be christian or I would go to hell.
Ghost. I was not a fan of theirs at all. I loved their look, but could not get into their music. Then I went to an Iron Maiden concert and Ghost was opening for them. By the second song I was hooked. I have been a huge Ghost fan since. My wife and I are going to Vegas to see them for our anniversary this year.
I was at Hersey Park for a company picnic one year and there were a lot of people walking around dressed up as Weird Al. While waiting the group from my store on a ride, I noticed there was an amphitheater behind me. I turned around and leaned on the rail trying to figure out what was going on when someone dressed as Weird Al came up next to me and started looking down at the stage, he asked if I knew what was going on. I shrugged and then he ran down the steps and onto stage. It was actually Weird Al.
I cannot find the actual file I was talking about, but I did find my WEG Death Star Technical Manual. I am still trying to find the laptop that has the technical readouts of the Death Star.
Tacomaworld, there is another Toyota forum but the name eludes me at this moment. Vwvortex is still around i think. My guild from a MUD i play on occasion still has a forum, as does the MUD,