“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2022

  • It’s small now, but growing. You can’t scroll infinitely for new content. It’s grown a lot in the time I’ve been here. The smallness can be a positive if you work to have genuine interactions with people. There’s no “karma” and some instances have disabled down votes entirely. You have sometimes subscribe to more than one community of the same topic (each on a different instance).

  • I like this topic. Pretty much wherever you go, people are practicing this kind of syncretic belief. This is why the “same” religion in two different countries has local flavor. More often than not, when a religion is expanding into new territory, it absorbs some of the preexisting local beliefs. Christmas is a good example within Christianity, with the Christmas tree.

    Another example is Japan where they say “you’re born with Shinto, marry with Christianity and die with Buddhism”. Many places maintain animist beliefs alongside more recent religions. There are even communities in South Asia where people attend both Muslim mosques and Hindu temples!

  • Protests aren’t always for the “benefit” of nonparticipants, as much as for those taking part. Being surrounded by people with the same concerns as you who are also willing to take some kind of action is very heartening. Not only does it bring joy to people who may otherwise feel powerless or overwhelmed, it presents opportunities for making connections for further organizing.

    Without public protests, you may have a lot of individuals that believe they are alone in their outrage. Feeling this, nobody will ever act and so be defeated without ever fighting at all.