I agree. My brief Twitter usage was following bars, restaurants, and music venues to see happy hour specials and upcoming events.
I agree. My brief Twitter usage was following bars, restaurants, and music venues to see happy hour specials and upcoming events.
We have this discussion in my house a lot. My husband built litter boxes for our cats. They would have to sell for $1000 to earn back the material cost and $5/hr.
We are on vacation and did a walking tour of the city tonight. It was so fun! The guide is doing this job while he’s in college. O was really impressed with the facts he knew and how easily he was able to connect with strangers. Interesting and good practice for future interviews.
Her parents hound them about having kids. We told them that the decision is too big for anyone else to push you into it. If they choose to, we will love them and help - but we’re not quitting our lives to play Grandma/Grandpa daycare constantly. If they choose not to, then we probably won’t have grandkids and that will be ok too. I think our other son might like to have kids but he’s nearing mid-30s and isnt seeing anyone. He says he’d prefer to be an uncle than a dad, but if he had the right partner i think that could change.
They’re happy with each other and the time they spend together. They’ve said they dont feel the need to procreate and they currently feel like the world is not a place to bring a kid.
I have adult children. They will probably not have children.
Try not to guess. It usually just leads to more trouble. Only really ok if you get out down to two numbers and can backtrack if your wrong.
Jerboa. Tried several and liked it best.
There’s plenty of fun stuff that’s neither of those. Check out photography or opossums or silly drawing request. That two sentence horror group is good. So is daily games.
Remodeling a house and hope to move in by summer.
This makes me wonder what’s more offensive, the words or the idea? A poopy vagina is much more upsetting than a shit-filled cunt.
We do tomatoes, tons of peppers, and blackberries. Baby avocado and lime trees aren’t fruiting yet. Someone ate our cucumber plants as soon as they sprouted.
I get a notice when someone replies to me, but not when the thread continues, so i usually check back to see where the rest of that convo went. I do like to think about how i could have worded a comment to be more clear, concise, less bitchy.
What culture? I have feelings about cultures that limit education, but would not hold that against someone who was born into that culture.
Where are you? In Texas we have a lot of little Mexican markets. No idea who owns them.
My mom liked her boyfriend because he was softspoken. During the ceremony he spoke to the officiant instead of her and she realized that his gentle speech pattern was really mumbling. Nice guy and they remained close friends until he passed, but not really romantic.
Usually 20% and round up the change. Less of there are server issues. A buck or two more if service is super. I don’t tip if I’m standing up when i order.
About a week ago. At work. To try to get a kid to jump.
Can you jump and touch your head to the doorway? My kids used to challenge each other to that.