I’m not sure about a dedicated website but you can already do that by just having a blog and sharing your blog posts to a link aggregator (like Lemmy or Hacker News). You could possibly create a Lemmy community that only allows “grassroots” “journalism”, ie no professional news articles but only amateur/hobbyist blog posts.
Lots of podcasts on that topic, many doing it 100% on their own dime, some asking for donations or subscriptions to cover production / hosting costs
I don’t know this, but I’ve heard that’s what much of youtube has become
Lots of them start as citizen journalism, ultimately expecting to get paid one way or another after getting some traction.
Probably not what you’re looking for but I find the https://alternativeto.net/ news pretty good for software
Is there some kind of alternativeto astroturfing going on today? I see they just rolled out a website redesign, but I literally only know them as a spammy SEO-bait site I wind up clicking accidentally when I look for software recs. Everything on the site is generic and AI-generated as hell. Tons of ads, AI generated images, and dark patterns.
Mods, take note.
🤷 just my opinion as requested in the post. You’ve given yours. No idea what you mean about astroturfing