My grandma is very partial to the easily reproducable measures “until it has the right consistency” and “until it has the right colour”. As in “add water until it has the right consistency” or “add milk until it has the right colour”. Nearly all her recipes use them.
Funnily enough the latter is also used by Aperol in their recipe for Aperol Spritz on their bottles. At least they provide a picture of what the “right colour” is supposed to be.
“Add flour until its not really sticky anymore” is basically what my great grandmother’s donut recipe says. Thanks! At least the rest is normal! Wait no it’s also includes “one cans worth” which is so bad. Shrink on cans is so bad.
My grandma’s recipe for Spätzle (egg-based noodles) is: “You start with the amount of eggs you need for the amount of people, add a bit of water, a pinch of salt and then flour until it has the right consistency.” Her recipe for pancakes is basically the same.
100 ml is pretty easy to use. You can multiply it or divide it evenly without having to think at all.
Imagine having to fill a 5 gal bucket using a 100ml container.
5 gallons is circa 19 liters. So when the liquid is water, then you don’t need to use the 100 ml container. 1 liter of water weights 1 kilogram, so put the 5 gallons bucket on a scale and pur in 19 kilograms of water.