Very sweet. Thank you!!
Fuck Nationalists, White Supremacists, Nazis, Fascists, The Patriarchy, Maga, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes, the Police.
Very sweet. Thank you!!
Really good stuff. Obviously do what you can and it’s great you’re open sourcing the project. That’s always a good thing imho. I just made the suggestion to get it up on FDroid as a lot of people who love open source and are on Android prefer to get their apps there.
If you’re able, please do so. But even if you don’t, please know you open sourcing this, it’s appreciated. Thank you.
Nice. Hopefully somebody puts it up on FDroid.
The meaning of life is to search for the meaning of life.
So…so many.
Trans Rights/Philosophy/TV Reviews:
Anarchist Philosophy:
Animation Reviews:
Philosophy/Pop Culture:
Niche Product Reviews:
Horror Movie Reviews/Synopsis:
Worker’s Rights:
SciFi/Fantasy Book Reviews:
Tabletop RPG Reviews:
Star Trek Analysis:
This thread led me down a bit of a rabbit hole, so I suppose I’ll post some of my meager findings.
Of course, the Wikipedia Article On The Guillotine includes a brief history documenting the evolution of it’s invention, but is sparse on the technical specifications, which online searches also turned up a bit sparse.
I did eventually land on this technical schematic PDF of the Guillotine from
Somewhat amusing to find, you can also pay for the blueprints to creating a historically accurate replica guillotine here.
As a morbid aside, the Wikipedia article details under the Controversy Section the dispute as to whether a decapitated head remained alive shortly after the beheading and the eye witness account of someone witnessing the staring of a decapitated man’s eyes after calling out his name multiple times. The description is deliciously macabre.
Don’t think this really answered your question OP, but nevertheless, this was intriguing for me to look into, so thanks for sparking my curiosity with your post!
EDIT: Fixing various small typos.