Nope, when writing on a PC I avoid touching NY mouse anyway.
Nope, when writing on a PC I avoid touching NY mouse anyway.
The usual path is through permanent residency. If you reside within Canada for about three years on a PR card you can apply for citizenship.
You can get PR via a spouse or skilled/point based application. One hack to gain a lot of points is to practice your French, if you can score even moderate fluency in French and apply to reside within Quebec things get significantly easier.
Another large entry opportunity is asylum seekers and LGBT+ folks can have a far easier time requesting entry though that is country of origin based and while the US has been considered as being declared dangerous for LGBT+ people it is not currently so as Canada considers interior migration (i.e. moving from Louisiana to Vermont) to be a reasonable path to safety. That may change depending on US federal laws though.
Ontario is also a good pick. I actually also work in the US Healthcare industry from Canada. It’s surprising how much of the private health care revenue ends up leaving the country.
Start with Factorio and get back to us in nine months with your seablock completion time.
Take an extended vacation to Canada. Alberta is affordable and could use some more naturalized citizens to help vote out the Conservatives.
Be a rebel - learn Catalan and just try and speak it to French and Spanish speakers. The world needs more fluent Catalan speakers!
I’m not certain - the genre would probably focus around the hero’s journey to get there. It could be a modern/sci-fi adventure novel?
I wouldn’t consider it particularly dystopian with a condition - the modern world is a dystopian corporate hellscape so nearly all modern setting tales are dystopian… your description of the setting and plot are certainly a society under pressure but assuming the new country isn’t also a dystopian corporate hellscape it’d break with the tradition of dystopian literature where the actions of the characters leave the world no different than the initial state (sometimes names will change, or governments be overthrown only to be replaced with nearly identical ones) or, potentially, worse.
I think the “everything is awful and can only ever get worse” is pretty integral to dystopias.
Boost for Lemmy is also incredibly similar to the old experience. That may work for you?
Design choices are never universal, people have different tastes so anyone who shits on you for your UI preferences is just an asshole. We all like habits and form strong preferences about what we’re using.
I think the great peacemaker is uncontroversially seen as a historical figure (sort of similar to Jesus was probably a dude) but while Jesus said really nice stuff they’re better known for miracle stuff… the great peacemaker does have some miracles like crossing a lake on a granite canoe but most of what he did was negotiating the peace to unite the confederacy. All that stuff he did is probably historically accurate with the miracles likely being embellishments over time.
Also the great peacemaker and the creator and their twin are distinct figures. It sounds like you understand that but I just wanted to clarify that.
Perhaps interactive, perhaps just directed. You set a setting, some actor/character preferences, and finally details about the action - then you have a curated and customized scene.
The real question is how it’ll stay fresh, if that can be solved it’ll capture immense value…
Now, whether that’s a good thing I can’t say, but it’s worth a boatload of money.
It’d be porn. The answer is porn. The answer is usually porn but for this question in particular its absolutely porn. That is what’s behind the GenAI revolution - a desire to see Marge Simpson bang Captain America in 4k.
I consider myself an atheist but the faith I identify the most with is Haudenosaunee Long House traditions. I’d say I loosely follow that religion but it’s incredibly niche and regional and I now live on the west coast so I mostly just feel thankful for shit which is like 90% of the beliefs anyways - I’d consider myself agnostic because I have no genuine belief that the Creator nor his brother exist or that there are sky people, a strawberry road or an afterlife…
I actually consider myself an atheist because I was raised in Boston among rapey catholic priests and unless the metaphysical universe actually is a disinterested God like in the Long House tradition then, if God exists, they’re a fucking asshole and can eat my ass. I find comfort in the universe being uncaring because if it does care the immense cruelty of the world means that God is a sadistic asshole.
But… yea, I’m most closely aligned with Long House traditions where the Creator made a bunch of sweet (rivers flowing both ways? Yes please) stuff, his evil brother fucked it all up and they’ve all fucked off somewhere and left just us, the plants and animals - praying is useless because nobody is home but you should appreciate the natural beauty of the world and thank the plants and animals for helping to give you life and shelter. I vibe with humbleness in the face of the universe.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
The Breeders kicked fucking ass - Kim Deal went on to form the Pixies but her first project is absolutely worth a listen as well.
So how about that SPORTING EVENT last weekend?
Caring about your employees as if they were humans.
I assume you need to calculate the red triangle’s hypotenuse but it seems like there are too many degrees of freedom to lock down any of the other sides or angles of the triangle including X unless I’m missing some hack involving chords and reflected angles.