Bonus : f*ck noise! Protect yourself when you are learning from distractions. There are myriads of things begging for your attention. Brush them off then in turn shape your environment so that you actually have a chance to learn. Learning is challenging, by definition, so you MUST make sure nothing and nobody gets in the way! Because plenty of people here have a technical side, here is a tool I built as an example https://git.benetou.fr/utopiah/online-hygiene/src/branch/master/index.js which gives me daily quota of Websites I can visit, or not, and when.
Yes, and I’d argue to also reflect back on (long form) content, e.g. write down notes on books, critical ones, and if you watch a movie or documentary with friends, chat about it with them, reflect on your understanding of the topic, what was good, what wasn’t, develop a critical sense rather than just “consume” content.