Yeah definitely useful when managing expectations around buying cheap shit but quality generally peaks or plateaus in the middle of the cost range.
Yeah definitely useful when managing expectations around buying cheap shit but quality generally peaks or plateaus in the middle of the cost range.
I have ulnar nerve damage so when i hit ctrl+c/x/v i often don’t quite depress C/X or V fully without thinking about it. So i use drag text quite often.
I’ve only very rarely had drag text misfire unintentionally.
Probably mastodon competing with bluesky as it seems most well known Twitter refugees are skeeting these days…
I generally don’t see ads due to uBlock Origin. Or am I just not noticing them? Lol.
I’m talking about the results as ads(paid for result ranking). Not as much a thing in DDG but google, they’re awful and you get maybe 2 results a page that aren’t paid promotion.
Freya Holmer did a good video on AI/SEO i think touches a little on this…
I feel the same except Google is worse due to higher number of ads in results and most SEO prioritizes Google over Bing meaning more Google results are AI spam articles.
Ugh gotta repair my roof in a few weeks. At least it’s metal so cheap af… Damn snow pulled some flashing down.
Worked on my cars dragging brakes the other day. I need to service them…
If i was still there I’d still tip 20% cash preferred. (Card/electronic transactions are more often stolen by management)
The fox news viewer see CNN as “leftist” and anything further as “The Commies”. CNN/MSNBC/whatever "liberal” orgs see themselves as the leading charge of the liberal movement and anything more progressive or actually leftist as “The Commies”.
Ehh, can’t expect anything short of that sort of bias from corporate media.
IMO the biggest problem is media. They report through a center-right lens and focus on sensationalism. So all people see of the left is the “check your privilege cis white boy” and “anarchists have burned down the entire city” BS lines instead of the vast aid efforts and daily work.
It’s friction with the air.
You’ve experienced a strong guest of wind, now multiply that by 700x. At some point the temperature of the air is meaningless. The impact of you on those air particles gives them soo much energy they get white hot and radiate heat as energy, thereby heating you up. Like standing next to a fire.
No. Jumping forward increases your elevation at the far orbit. Jumping back decreases it. But you’d end up back on where you jumped in one orbit either way.
Trusting the float on the back makes sense to be a hard one. It’s counterintuitive, the water comes over your face when you start, and you can’t hold on to anything. Might be worth getting a personal coach for a session just for that if you haven’t already. Someone supporting you might help with the anxiety as long as they’re encouraging and not pushy.
Always file. If the IRS collapses you paperwork means nothing. If it survives a collapse, having not filled will bite you in the ass.
You’ve got to mold that silicone or you’ll never be fulfilled.