That’s a shame but totally understandable. I hope we return to something sane before they destroy the parks for drilling or logging or whatever. The national park service really has some amazing natural resources.
Un Dorian Gray sin pasado, ni patria ni bandera.
I’m just a guy in the #pnw who likes going on adventures, and playing games with friends.
Three things I love: the Oxford Comma, irony, and missed opportunities.
#hiking #camping #backpacking #ttrpg #linux #foss #OpenSource #pathfinder2e #pf2e #pathfinder #travel #knitting #baking #games #pdx #privacy #lgbtq #fedi22
That’s a shame but totally understandable. I hope we return to something sane before they destroy the parks for drilling or logging or whatever. The national park service really has some amazing natural resources.
Tangentially related, The Office fans jokingly asking if I’d ever been to “Scranton” and then being surprised to learn it was a real place.
Same thing happens to me where I’ll start emulating local accents. The result is no one can accurately guess where I’m from, even people from my own country. The general answer is “northern Europe” but not from the country of whomever is guessing. But it’s the same reason… something is up with my accent, but no one is able to place it.
Grew up NEPA, went to school on the main line. Moved away almost 20 years ago, but this brings me back.
In college we had to take a certain number of bible classes. Senior year took one on the history of the old testament or something like that. Course compared the texts to older texts from nearby regions and it’s all basically plagiarized. This was somehow supposed to bring us closer to god, but for me it did the obvious and was the straw that broke that particular camel’s back.
The further NE you go in the US the more non-rhotic the dialect becomes, more or less.
This. Antifa was never a thing except in the minds of the fascists trying to rebrand antifascism as something bad. Like the migrant caravans of 2018, once it was no longer convenient they moved on to the next boogie man.