Because our governments are largely bought and paid for.
Because our governments are largely bought and paid for.
No it’s insane to continue supporting companies when their leadership doesn’t align with your ideals. The only power you have is choice. Now run along and continue being the good little consumer you’ve been made to be.
The end scares most people so much that logic gets thrown out the window.
The 50s happened.
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. I appreciate it and your perspective. Logically I can understand and accept what you’re saying, but emotionally I’m not so lucky.
I’ve struggled with my mental health for most of my life anyway, but I lost my wife, 2 cats, FIL and everything I owned in a house fire that I, for whatever reason, walked away from last April. I’ve spent the last year trying to understand it, and the conclusion I’ve come to is death. No matter the highs or the lows, the recognition of the present or the expectation of better days, death seems to hold the most weight. I’m tired, you know? Not like a long day tired, but like my soul, if it exists, is tired.
I’m in therapy and have been for years, and I know the tricks pretty well. I have a cat and a few friends that for better or for worse guilt me into staying, but they don’t know this pain thankfully. We’re all going to die one day anyway so what’s it matter if I, 1 meaningless person out of 8 billion, goes early? That’s where I weigh the pros and cons.
I weigh the pros and cons of committing suicide every single day.
Yeah I wasn’t joking.
My brain started working.
Take out tons of credit cards, loans etc and max them out with no intention of paying any of it back. Burn it to the ground.
Call me when EGM and GamePro mags are a thing again.