do you want a job in software dev?
do you want a job in software dev?
is a dildo a tool
Your title should have read “How do you destroy the notion that Republicans are the good guys?”
There are far too many Americans that support the far right. They’ve been convinced that conservatism will protect their interests, even while it blatantly destroys them. It is a morally greater objective to turn these people around, and more practically achievable, than undermining its opponent.
Yes, we know. You think liberalism is an ally of conservatism, not an opponent. We’re all very impressed with your extensive knowledge, bravo. You’ve shown nuanced and deep understanding of the political landscape by criticizing the contender of the enemy.
I think most people who criticize the left are like you. More interested in stroking their egos than actually solving a problem. You’re trying to demonstrate mastery of a subject by being critical of it, not because you want it to change but because you want people to be impressed with you.
If you actually wanted things to get better you’d be teaching people to undermine conservatism, which is the greater threat.
Be better.
If we didn’t have the right to be forgotten, does that mean records of us would always exist? Or that we would have no privacy?
Is it one person posting these, or multiple accounts? It might be a new guy. Maybe he thinks he has to get his karma up before he can enjoy the full site.
I see.
Edit: curious about your reasoning for creating a burning for nextdoor, but not meta or facebok?
It’s possible to do this anonymously.
Consider deleting your comment. It wrongfully suggests that there is nothing to be done.
Broadcast how
You needed to put that in the title so we know what you’re talking about
the rich will survive, the poor will die
why do you think they are state-sponsored
So do you mean foreign as in not born here or foreign as in unusual/out of place
oh, find a topic you really like to write about, for me it was pokemon, but it could be anything. like your personal blog. and turn it into a website. use cloudways for hosting, it’s very cheap. buy yourself a domain name. updating the site will be fun and easy, and teach you how to write code. as you learn more stuff, you can incorporate it. you’ll get good at it, trust