Alts (mostly for modding)
(Earlier also had @[email protected] for a year before I switched to lemmings)
sorry to tell you(maybe not, may make you feel better depending on how you take it), but almost no body makes an earning by language studies, not even professors (only very small amount of them make something reasonable with respect to their effort)
why and how did that work, how hard were you slamming it, I am presuming not hard enough to break glass, but than, what would such a slam do? I am going to presume these were LCDs, and maybe the the liquid crystals would have gone too cold, and maybe by smacking, you somehow freed them or something. I would like to know more.
I just gave it up 1 day. No life changing event, no bad experience, just a shift in perspective happened, and I basically realised that I did not really need a god. I still practice some things which were part of my religious activities (donating, or serving others), but that is more of general good citizen thing rather than being religious
You can do 2 things - install a custom rom or de-enshittyify
From what i got from checking - there is not any rom already present, you can try to make one yourself, but that is a hard process
to de-enshittyify - you can start with UAD https://github.com/Universal-Debloater-Alliance/universal-android-debloater-next-generation.
first boot into phone (and dont connect to internet) and enable dev mode
then connect to desktop and open UAD, and it will give a long list apps which you can consider from removal (with deifferent degrees of recommendations)
you may also disable remove google play services at your risk (google apps, and banking stuff would not work, but better battery life and privacy)
after doing this, also remove any xaomi skin apps (can be done with UAD, in case it does not find anything, check the unknown section too) (phone, sms, message, …) these are usually forked from aosp, but with added “features”
replace these apps with fdroid equivalent (a good family of apps is fossify https://www.fossify.org/, and also use newpipe)
I am a bit experienced, so I can do it all in 1.5 hours, if you have not done this before, maybe 2-3 hours, and you will have a clean phone, largely devoid of closed source apps
Sorry, I don’t have any advice or anything, but can you please mark the post nsfw (though there isn’t much explicit stuff, but still)
a fun fact: for the most efficient mass energy conversion, you need a huge spin black hole (preferably naked). Then you can get about 42% conversion. (there was a minute physics video about it i think)
i know, but i in my right mind can’t give any money to google
i don’t even need good specs or sd card, just a good camera, foss rom and good battery
yes, but that is a separate investment
the battery thing is real. I basically can not find a laptop with weak/low power cpu and igpu, but a huge battery. I get that we can not do more than 99whr, but for weak stuff, I can not find anything above 50 practically.
You can make “khichdi” - It is a Indian dish, but not really, it is more of a procedure - basically get anything you have (rice, pulses, any other grain, just see if they are too hard, give a wash before, and let them soak for some time), add vegies(almost anything works, my favorites are potatoes, onions, tomoto, carrots, basically whatever is available in season), add spices to taste (I mostly just add salt and pepper, but anything is fine, just add a bit more, since all stuff previously added in a taste profile sense is bland) - then cook in pressure cooker (pressure cooker is not necessary, just accelerates cooking). Depending on how much you put - this can serve you many servings. If after cooking, it is dry for you, either have it with curd or youghurt if you want something cooloing, or just add a bit of vegetable broth and warm it up. Just store it well. It is cheap, not necessarily very nutritious (it is mostly carbs, fibre, and plant protien, which is not bad, but could be better). It is easy - no culinary skills required other than knowing how to wash and cut stuff, and operating your pot.