Was meinst du mit “verknüpfen”? Du kannst in dein Profil die Namen deiner anderen Konten irgendwo anders im Internet reinschreiben, was genau ist dein erwünschtes Ergebnis?
Was meinst du mit “verknüpfen”? Du kannst in dein Profil die Namen deiner anderen Konten irgendwo anders im Internet reinschreiben, was genau ist dein erwünschtes Ergebnis?
I see, thanks. Will look into that.
I’ve had this thought before, but have also wondered whether it’s even possible to implement this using ActivityPub, considering that a wiki inherently requires having the same state everywhere, but ActivityPub allows instances to ban and defederate how they like (thus become desynchronized from each other).
When I was new to Mastodon, I followed everyone who might maybe have something interesting to say (e.g. open source projects that I’ve never used but found somewhat interesting).
Right now I have 43 tabs open on my phone most of which are links from Mastodon I haven’t yet gotten around to reading… I think you can see why nowadays I tend to unfollow more things than I newly follow.
You want to join an mbin or piefed instance, they allow both microblogging and posting to lemmy communities.
you probably google for yahoo on bing amirite
I remember reading (though I can’t find the source anymore) that Mastodon “favorites” and Lemmy upvotes are the same thing, but that it is not possible to downvote from Mastodon.
Not a new phenomenon in human nature or on the Internet, by itself. On some wikis (e.g. en.wikipedia.org) there used to be extensive lists of “notorious vandals”, then people realized that this only encouraged them further, now this is more limited, but there still is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Long-term_abuse
ffs stop feeding trolls and spammers
That is basically OpenID which has been around for a long time. In principle there is nothing stopping fediverse instances from being OpenID providers or allowing login with an OpenID, not sure anyone has done this yet though.
Everything posted on the public web is potential AI training data, federation is completely irrelevant to that.
The rest of your questions has the simple answer that a priori there is nothing “stopping” any of that. You should choose an instance whose admins are looking out for things like that and keeping your experience enjoyable, banning spambots or defederating from spambot farms when they are discovered.
I suspect OP wanted to know about a video platform where they were not getting any automated recommendations that they hadn’t chosen to follow… my point is, chronological sorting is still an “algorithm”.
There aren’t any because all ways of displaying any data at all involve an “algorithm”. There are no “algorithm-free alternatives” to anything at all except not using computers at all.
Maybe think about what you’re actually trying to ask, then ask that question again.
I don’t think they’re any more cringe than most non-federated services.
I found it (in the mid-2000s as a preteen) before I consciously learned about the original Bohemian Rhapsody, so every time I now hear the latter, my mind immediately goes “what happen, what happen, somebody set up us the bomb, somebody set up us the bomb”.
maybe https://openlevelup.net/?l=0#11/1.3025/103.9049 to the extent that it is mapped in OSM?
Geographical aspects are incomparable between 1930 and 2025. Germany is a lot smaller in 2025 than in 1930 and German division hadn’t happened yet in 1930.
A bear walks into a bar and says “I’ll have a …....…...….….….….….. beer.” The bartender asks: “Why the big pause?” The bear responds: “I don’t know, I was born with them.”
(Pic in OP relevant. Even bear cubs have big paws.)
Antau longa tempo (antau ol la fediverso ekzistis) mi estis tre aktiva en la forumo de lernu.net - nun mi demandas min, chu eble ghiaj administristoj pretus konekti tiun forumon al la fediverso? Eble iu, kiu legas tion chi, ankorau havas manieron kontakti ilin pri tiu ideo. Ghi certe estus bona por ilia forumo, por la fediverso, por Esperanto.
Du meinst, dass man sich mit einem Login für beides einloggen kann? Soweit ich weiß, nicht möglich.