Seems to be settled that he didn’t cover it, but damn, I wish he had. Would love to hear that.
I wonder if people are getting mixed up with Cohen’s song, The Partizan.
Seems to be settled that he didn’t cover it, but damn, I wish he had. Would love to hear that.
I wonder if people are getting mixed up with Cohen’s song, The Partizan.
If we’re talking football ⚽, a rivalry is usually a long term thing, that transcends temporary factors like winning records.
You only have to look at Liverpool and Everton, or Man City and Man United, or Aston Villa and Birmingham City, to see that rivalry can be fierce and lasting even when one side enjoys a long period of dominance over the other.
As long as it matters more than most games to both sets of fans, it’s a rivalry IMO.
Quite a few:
Probably a few others :-)
Easy solution for that, you fire the earth portal on a wall inside some sort of specially constructed airlock.
That hard part would be getting the moon portal in a useful place, you’d probably need to go up there and find a good solid cliff face or something. On the plus side having done that you could be home again in a few seconds.
Scottish one here - Soor Plooms
And, in true Scottish tradition, they were apparently named as a result of an incident involving killing some English people. Not heard that before, but then I’ve never looked.
Either way, they’re delicious 😁
Arrested Development, Always Sunny, and Archer for me. Always reliable when you just want half an hour of laughs. Although I do then tend to get drawn into yet another full rewatch.
Maybe something to do with Scientology? There’s that whole thing about Lord… whatever… (Veenu?) dropping souls into Hawaiian volcanoes.
No idea - all I remember is my dad almost crying with laughter as he told me about it 😁
I remember a story my dad told me about a guy at his work who didn’t really know how to use Excel, and so had dragged the cell and column spacing out in order to have one huge cell, in which he typed all of his calculations - which he did manually with a calculator before typing them all longhand into his giant cell 😁
Who knew that dying my brown hair blonde without using bleach could be so dangerous?
Lost in the Movies - fewer than 10k subscribers, but he deserves so many more.
His work is generally on movies and TV, usually with a more art house feel.
His major piece of work though is his 30-40 part video series (and also podcast/blog) on Twin Peaks.
None of your, “Here’s the explanation of EVERYTHING,” nonsense here though.
Instead he looks at the show, its characters and its arcs with a contemplative eye, picking out interesting visual and narrative parallels, examining the show and film as a piece of art rather than as a puzzle to be ‘solved’.
It’s exceptional and it mystifies me that it’s not more well known. He’s been doing it for about ten years now I think. If you’re a Peaks fan, it’s an absolute must IMO.
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When I land, I just sit there for a bit and let everyone else get all hot and sweaty trying to get their carry on luggage first and get off the plane first. There’s no real rush, and if you have checked in luggage in the hold you’re going to be waiting for that anyway.
It’s a good thing that it’s socially unacceptable, at least when applied to people, or as a pejorative generally.
It’s still a potentially useful word though in other contexts, eg to inhibit the spread of fire. That’s a different pronunciation, of course.