First, I don’t think I can find anything not perfect about Alien or Aliens, but the “female-led” context there is emotionally strong in very primal sense, liking those movies doesn’t prove anything because both movies (especially the second one) just give a new spin to pretty traditional perception of women.
Xena is nice, but uses some stereotypes as well, just more lesbian than traditional, ahem.
Anyway, I wanted to say I’ve been accused of being such a whiner and screecher about Disney fake Star Wars, and Rey there is just a shitty character.
Star Wars outside of movies has plenty of very cool female characters, and the “conservative fans” Disney accused of being racist and misogynist are supposed to know most of them.
So let’s please remember that companies are sometimes trying to do damage control with things that are just bad, by accusing people not liking those of racism or misogyny.
It’s a huge difference when you hear just that some movie is not cool and when you also hear that those calling it not cool are very bad people. If you didn’t like the movie in question yourself, you might stop telling others it’s bad, and even try to reconsider your opinion, probably buying another ticket.
I’m talking about my feeling from watching them and about the design of the aliens, this might have been unintentional initially in the first movie.