Hilarious, you got me 😂 I am so crushed that you’re not an actual astronaut though!
Hilarious, you got me 😂 I am so crushed that you’re not an actual astronaut though!
That’s so sick. What do I have to do to be able to get drunk in space? Have you been training to be an astronaut your whole life or is it a career switch?
You drink in space??? What kind of gin? What’s being drunk in zero g like? I’m gonna vomit just at the thought of a space hangover mate
I’d regularly have a pint or two (no more than three) with my boss on Wednesday lunchtimes! And, in another workplace, while I was a young’un throwing an almighty tantrum, I spent a month having four double vodkas for lunch most days. Stunned I wasn’t fired, honestly. (UK)
Honestly I think that’s unusual for a teenager
It’s bullshit. It’s inauthentic. It can be useful for chewing through data, but even then the output can’t be trusted. The only people I’ve met who are absolutely thrilled by it are my bosses, who are two of the most frustrating, stupid, pig-headed, petty people I’ve ever met. I wish it would go away. I’m quitting my job next week, taking a big paycut and barely being able to pay the bills, specifically because those two people are unbearable. They also insist that I use AI as much as possible.
Religion, to try and dodge sex abuse charges