trying to do my part; always on the lookout for non {dot}world communities to comment in.
…just this guy, you know.
trying to do my part; always on the lookout for non {dot}world communities to comment in.
not disagreeing with your overall premise, but do clearly labeled bot news aggregator communities need much interaction right now?
I read many of the articles on bot feeds and will sometimes comment on ones that I think should get a few more eyeballs. others do the same and I appreciate their prodding as well. for my usecase lemmy in its current state has been absolutely wonderful, and I am enjoying watching it evolve.
Sean Caroll - intonation and cadence. [subject matter awesome. must. stay. awake]
But the signature can’t really guarantee the truthfulness of the content. I could make a signed post that claiming that the Earth is flat.
important point, but in a federated or distributed system, this signed posts/comments may actually be highly beneficial for when tying content directly to an account for interaction purposes. I have already seen well-ish known accounts seemingly spoofed on similar looking instance domains.
distribution of trusted public keys would be an interesting problem to address but the ability to confirm the association of a specific account to specific content (even if the account is “anonymous” and signing is optional) may lend a layer to of veracity to interactions even if the content quality itself is questionable.
edit: clarity (and potential case in point - words matter, edits matter).
democracy now! is legit a core news reporting source for many unreported and underreported stories. thumbs up for DN!
edit: add link