Nono, it feeds me comfortably, I’m just really into saving up since I want to own an apartment one day and I’d definitely be annoyed at having to feed an extra person with no prior notice.
Nono, it feeds me comfortably, I’m just really into saving up since I want to own an apartment one day and I’d definitely be annoyed at having to feed an extra person with no prior notice.
We’d get along fine, but feeding two people on one salary will definitely be annoying (my job has a non-competition clause where I can’t pick up a second job in the same field), and getting enough adhd meds for the both of us will be impossible due to strict regulations here.
One of us still could bring value to the household by being the designated bangmaid though
With my partner, we usually gift time/knowledge. As in, one person wants to buy something but doesn’t have the time/expertise to read up it and find the perfect thing. So the other hops in and does the research for them.
This valentine’s my partner helped me decide on a new gaming keyboard, while I got him a custom web domain and email setup.
So maybe if there’s a thing you’ve been meaning to research/buy, let your partner do it as a gift?
In some sense, Powerwolf. The only concert I ever went to, I was really surprised to learn that apparently I hate concerts and will never go to one again.