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Lemmy uses MarkDown and the syntax for images is:

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There’s a thing in movie writing that’s called the suspension of disbelief which is the mechanism of being involved in a story by “what do I have to believe in order for the movie to make sense”.
SW3’s premise is the classical hero’s adventure, where the main character undergoes a journey of betterment. And in this particular case, if you already are the best there is no journey.
John Wick’s premise is “this guy is going to kill everyone” frome the minute one, you just sit down, switch your brain off and enjoy what he’s doing for the next two hours.
It’s not about the sex of the character, is about how the character is written.
You can’t really compare the two movies, John Wick takes the route of being so over the top to the point of becoming funny. I don’t think they were aiming for that with the new SW trilogy.
Every fart is a gamble helped me with easy suggestion on how to invest small savings
If I were you I’d split just the bills and groceries.
If you’d break up someday (God forbid), the property is still gonna be yours, so there is no point in making her pay any kind of rent.