I’d say its mostly convenience. Discord is easier to use on mobile devices and provides voice chat.
I’d say its mostly convenience. Discord is easier to use on mobile devices and provides voice chat.
Thank you! :) It’s definitely a passion project for me, because I love the game so much.
I run a forum where the first post was started 23 years ago. Although the activity has drastically gone down during recent years, people still occasionally come by. I’m very happy I kept it up, even though a lot of people switched over to a Discord server.
Recently we had an incident where the sole admin of the Discord server was banned and the whole Discord had to be abandoned and created from scratch. People still keep using this trash! I’m not arguing with them, I’ll just keep an alternative up. One day, when Discord really enshittifies itself to a point where it becomes unuseable, people will be happy for my stubborness. I hope.
(It’s a forum for an obscure space pirate game for the PC - I-War 2. Its first post is here.)
Rewatched that recently. I was really surprised how dark it sometimes gets for a kids’ show. It still holds up really well!
I’m a webdev and I mainly work with Vanilla JS, React and PHP - I use phpStorm now. Everything mostly works out of the box, it auto-detects my PHP environment, composer install (which is basically just npm for PHP), nice-to-have features like Stylelint and ESLint are also integrated and enable themselves by default if specific config files are found inside a project folder…it’s just nice. Open a project, see it do all of its magic, start to code.
Previously I’ve worked with VSCode and I needed a plugin for every single feature and every plugin had its own settings that you needed to be aware of. It was horrible. I was configuring my own IDE more than I was actually writing code. I get that it’s probably more flexible than phpStorm, but I just don’t have time do dig into plugin settings all of the time - and god forbid I work with a project from another developer and he uses a different extension than me for Stylelint or formatting .md files…
Yeah, she got us all really hyped up before Porter came on. He was so nice! He even forgot the lyrics for one of his songs, because he was a little nervous, so he started to beatbox randomly 🤣
Porter Robinson and underscores, a few days ago.
“It’s cold outside, there’s no kind of atmosphere” is stuck in my head forever.
…and the jumping off a plane, riding on a crocodile, killing a nazi scene.
I have a GPD Win Max 2 (2024 model). Battery lasts for 8-10 hours of work (coding, some browsing, occasional video) and it can run Cyberpunk with Raytracing. It’s an absolutely amazing little device.
I believe it cost around ~1400€ for the 64GB model and they just released the 2025 model with doubled CPU cores.
And yes, Linux (Fedora 41) runs on it without any issues. There’s no driver for the fingerprint reader yet, but some hackers are working on it.
I regularly visit https://vogons.org/ to talk about retro computers.