I aim for B. I can’t seem to avoid it though so i stick to a set of sites mostly. i have a folder of bookmarked pages that i check every day or three by using ‘open all in new tabs’, labelled ‘news and junk’. it contains slashdot, hackernews, phoronix, techdirt, lemmy and reddit. my reddit is subscribed only to a very small set of local subs, because reddit is trash but i can’t get my entire hometown to move to lemmy. also in that folder are a group of local websites, for the library, parks department, a couple local event lists, a local computer group, a local linux users group, a furry events calendar and local amateur radio stuff.
one things i really wish existed is an extension that detects and blocks any site leading to garbage about the current US president, who i despise and want to ignore, despite ignoring it being to my detriment most likely. that vile man needs to go away.
additionally, i have a collection of hundreds of map sites bookmarked, with a folder containing a set i check with about the same regularity as my news sites. ventusky.com for weather, adsb.fi for tracking aircraft (i live by a major air force base in the US, directly under the main landing flight path, so i hear and see large planes flying under 1000 feet a lot), the noaa space weather dashboard page for space weather enthusiasts to see if aurora might be visible and for amateur radio solar radiation interference likelihood, timeanddate.com to check for astronomical events like eclipses, communitycrimemap.com to see reported crime going on near me, https://redskyready.com/auxcomm-usa-dashboard/ for a variety of maps to see if anything stands out like fires or earthquakes and also to check amateur radio stuff, and finally https://rsoe-edis.org/eventMap to see worldwide disasters that might be important to know about.
my system doesn’t keep me perfectly up to date but it covers what i think i need to know and comes from sources i trust well enough (although not entirely, like with communitycrimemap which is lexisnexus and the news sites are mostly aggregators with dubious links at times)
my tech news sites are slashdot, hacker news, phoronix, techdirt (although they are mostly a political site now but their source linking is phenomenal), fedscoop (entirely US based, also more political than tech now and possibly a psyop) and reddit with an account that has a very selective set of followed subreddits to try and avoid the slow and continual decay of dead reddit.