that really sucks. :( it might be worthwhile to talk to a doctor about this then, if you haven’t already. Maybe you would benefit from a sleep study.
I’d give nearly anything to share a meal/drink/joint with Hidetaka Miyazaki.
Estoy aprendiendo español. Me encantaría practicarlo contigo (y inglés, si necesitas ayudar también).
that really sucks. :( it might be worthwhile to talk to a doctor about this then, if you haven’t already. Maybe you would benefit from a sleep study.
idk… the fact that you were triggered enough by their post to add this comment certainly says a lot about how “soft” you are. :) the most sensitive people I’ve ever met have been boomers, personally.
when did OP mention their age, by the way?
if not trauma, perhaps shame? subconscious or otherwise. I mean, “torment” is a pretty extreme way to describe it.
it sounds like your discomfort might be beyond the kind of discomfort one gets by simply being under the influence of a substance (though tbh, I can’t really relate lol).
unless it’s really affecting your life, I wouldn’t overthink it too much. Plenty of people have recurring unpleasant dreams/nightmares.
I wish. lol. no, I just became an adult.
I also feel particularly passionate about this, as felt totally dismissed by nearly every adult in my life as a kid. That shit feels so defeating and isolating. it can seriously fuck you up.
Have you had anyone take a look at your resume? When was the last time you reviewed it? Is it at least somewhat visually appealing? How long is it?
Unfortunately, it may be a good idea to “customize” each submission by incorporating keywords from the actual listing into your resume.
I’m not the one to give advice on this, really, but I’ve heard of people having a lot of success with networking and reaching out directly to recruiters/managers/ect.