All the forums I used to go to on any regular basis are dying out or dead - NotebookReview, DSLReports, etc.
I still stop by Linus Tech Tips forum and GBATemp and Overclock.net and ServeTheHome on rare occasions.
All the forums I used to go to on any regular basis are dying out or dead - NotebookReview, DSLReports, etc.
I still stop by Linus Tech Tips forum and GBATemp and Overclock.net and ServeTheHome on rare occasions.
DSLReports is gone NotebookReview is gone, and more are disappearing each year. It’s sad to see.
I’d say probably autumn, or maybe spring. Summer is too hot and winter is too cold, though it is fun going inside to a nice heated home during winter and going inside to a nice cooled home during summer, I hate that I got sick this winter with bronchitis and I’m still getting over it even though I haven’t been sick for multiple years until now. Autumn just looks really nice, but leaves can be slippery when walking outside so you gotta be a bit careful too.
Yes, I know a guy like this. I’m not aware of his considerations of how he is able to separate science from religion, other than I guess the fact that they are two separate things.
“Put that Furby away! We have to go play Neopets.”
Seems like there is a federated solution for everything lol
There’s also a list of ActivityPub software on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActivityPub#Software_using_ActivityPub