I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.
The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.
Libby is an absolute blessing.
Cats domesticated humans. Mine watches me clean her litter box. It’s clearly a power play.
Well speaking as a queer person I and many of my friends have had the pyramid cited to us to show why we would always be unhappy. The hierarchy is not an entirely flawed concept and in the broadest of strokes I agree with it. Which is why I only say it’s overrated, not inherently wrong. The hierarchy just falls apart rather quickly for GSM folks while being taken as fact by the general population.
Maslow is overrated.
As a trans disabled woman there are numerous ways in which threatens my ability to exist. And while that does make me angry at Trump and his supporters, I mostly view them with pity.
The MAGA faithful are victims or well orchestrated propaganda, using just enough of legitimizes complains of our late capitalist white supremacist patriarchal society but only to blame the wrong people. I have frustration at the farmers who are now critizing Trump since they didn’t think they would be hurt by his actions, but sympathy enough to understand they were tricked. I wish, hope and pray that they will leave the echo chambers that influenced them to look past his numerous severe faults and obvious corruption but logically I don’t see that happening for many.
While I am angry at all MAGA folk, the majority of which I feel were too focused on the day to day survival in our increasingly expensive world, I can understand. I believe them to both willfully ignorant and globbed to someone they didn’t understand. The harm he has caused was telegrpahed clearly years, months and days ago. But hating, excluding and diminishing them only lessens the chance of them understanding the lies told to them.
Criticizing anti-capitalism media for existing in a capitalistic system is literally the last panel. I’m sure we agree on most things if you listened to ICHH as well, so I’m not trying to argue or start a fight.
But Evans has to eat, pay rent and deserves to make profit off his time like the rest of us. Personally, I feel as if you’re falling into the “AoC/Bernie/Hasan has money and are hypocritical socialists” style trap, which is at best lazy and worst willfully ignorant of the context in which we all live.
The podcast wouldn’t exist without ads, so ads are a weird thing to complain about. It’s the message that is important and ads don’t diminish that anti capitalistic message.