what? oO
I am the developer of Summit for Lemmy.
what? oO
It’s on my to-do but the process seems annoying potentially so we’ll see. I just wanted to open source the project so there is at least some progress. I was finding myself making long lists of shit to do before I can open source the project but you know what fk those lists and just open source it now. Ask questions later. :D
Hello I’m the developer here. The reason why the readme is completely unhelpful is simple. I wrote it for myself. It was a readme i wrote for myself on how to do certain things LOL.
Probably the best solution short term is to just like yo the website at the very top: https://summit.idunnololz.com/.
Edit: also in my defense the code repo was open sourced less than 24h ago on a whim and I’ve had a few bugs I’ve been trying to tackle all week: