I just moved north to Minnesota and the cold winters have somehow kept malls alive. Nowhere near the mall culture of previous decades but maybe worth a trip North sometime, if you miss it
I just moved north to Minnesota and the cold winters have somehow kept malls alive. Nowhere near the mall culture of previous decades but maybe worth a trip North sometime, if you miss it
This reminds me of my experience with COVID lockdown. Obviously, a pandemic and the vulnerable being sick and losing over a million American lives (and much more globally) was horrible. But for a short time, it was incredible to see the amount of people just visiting parks in the middle of the day and enjoying the warm spring that year. Getting outside to nature was a way a lot of people coped with the isolation and it was beautiful in a way. Moms and grandmas were sewing cloth masks, distilleries switched to making hand sanitizer, people in my area began using local businesses more. There was a definite sense of community, even if it happened through FaceTime calls and social distancing. There are always silver linings to tragedy, I guess.
When I was a child I loved bionicles and worked all summer to raise $60 for this double set of dragon looking things. Better yet, you could combine them and make a hybrid monster. Somewhere in that process of creating the hybrid I realized it was too much work disassembling and reassembling and completely gave up.
Tbh I think a lot of people bury that logical side deep down and compartmentalize. The narrative we tell ourselves can be quite powerful.