That’s about the only thing they can do with open-source things.
That’s about the only thing they can do with open-source things.
Facebook tried and we scoffed.
It’s called the Embrace, Extend, Extinguish strategy of dealing with threats. Microsoft have been endorsing Linux recently for this reason.
Shut up nerd
archive.org videos section
I feel like we need to get away from Gulag’s servers in general tho. They’re closing in on the likes of Freetube.
They’ve basically banned anonymous accounts. Their whole thing was anonymity.
I’m not an expert on that subject.
Because every cent you spend there goes more or less directly into Kim Jong Un’s pocket?
Where did you read this ?
If you visit the USA, you support the regime that committed genocide in North Korea
wut why
You express plenty of opinions not provable by science in your comment-history.
Wikipedia is a terrible source for the likes of this.
“Billionaire” means “person who can direct large amounts of the means-of-production”
The left wants to tax those people and put the MoP back under democratic control.
So if they used their control the way the People would it’d looklike socialism. But that’s a hypothetical because that’s not their self-interest.
what’s the point of walking a robot dog? couldn’t it walk itself or just stay indoors?
Why wouldn’t you steamroll over it?
Eastern front of ww2 made so much more sense to me when I realised the left could also have guns.
The alternative is barter
No. Never has been.
you can’t learn much about leftism from the USA
He means who do you circlejerk with on tinternet
Example: https://inv.nadeko.net/feed/channel/UCLjzzg-cFWpEEjnWCOpXp3Q