Sounded like you were saying decrease tip % on account of price %. What you wrote is ambiguous I see. Could also be interpreted as “I tip 15% now and the tip percent should not increase.”
Sounded like you were saying decrease tip % on account of price %. What you wrote is ambiguous I see. Could also be interpreted as “I tip 15% now and the tip percent should not increase.”
Because all their living expenses also increased
Contradiction in terms
A lot less than Americans think. Going from memory it’s about 6-8% of calories.
As strong as the drywall they’re pulling against, at least.
Drywall anchors are basically useless.
I think the actual code re: that is those big metal handle rail bars that have to be attached to studs (ADA compliance maybe?).
I should get used to that with my grater. I either press with huge amounts or just do the old smash and rapid micro slice.
The pumps they sell for coffee syrup dispensers maybe.
Also they sell non-medical syringes for general use.
Shoe sizes need to go too. Just measure it in centimeters. List all the measurements - length, width at forefoot, midfoot, rearfoot. Let people go online and look up a list of shoes that actually fit perfectly. Instead we have three or four different variants of shoe size numbers, gendered, that don’t even work with width, and half the time are too big or too small.
Wait until you hear about PEX piping.
A lot of toilet paper holders are secured to the wall with drywall hangers. An L-shaped one-piece one is basically asking to be torqued right out of the wall.
I think if they just designed the tubes conically, with no rigid end besides the male part of the cap, you’d have barely any waste.
Roll the bag. Flip the box upside down. Put it in going up. Hold it in place and flip the box back over. Gravity holds the bag closed. This is a bad idea if anyone else accesses the box and isn’t on the same page as you.
Keep looking. Find one with a thick stainless steel construction. I have two that you could break a window with.
I hit that in my mid 20s. Turned out my headlights sucked and I needed to clean the inside of my windshield.
MAGAs have no reason. “Trump said so.” Probably nuked because it became a nuisance for credit card companies and banks due to enforcing rules against overdraft fees and deceptive lending practices. On the flip side, it’s yet another trade regulating agency with an overlapping mandate on a hundred different industries, meaning any company in those industries has to comply with every one of those agencies’ interpretation of the law. Speaking from experience here, that is a headache even to people with good intentions.
Can vs. will
It’s my primary but Google unfortunately is often a fallback. And Google is tracking the shit out of us these days. Certain obscure searches don’t work well on DDG, sad to say.