Some Russian ones:
недоперепил: недо - not quite, пере - overdid, пил - drank. Sounds weird due to opposing suffixes, basically means “haven’t drunk enough to get completely wasted”, in my circles we use it to describe displeasure when the alcohol runs dry on events we’ve set to get wasted all along.
опердень: Due to how it’s only used in professional circles and how language is structured, someone hearing it for the first time might think it’s a word rooted from “пердеть” (to fart), and based on the suffixes assume it relates to some kind of creature that farts (or get farted) all over. But it’s actually a shorthand for Операционный День (processing day) which is how finance guys call their banking software as it basically replaced said processing day in their work.
Same for “опсос” - sounds like “someone who sucks all over something” but is just a shorthand for “оператор сотовой связи” - phone service provider.
Ratios are a things of a past. I’m having trouble getting ratios as all of the torrents I have are straight zeros in the upload section. I still keep them around for a while just out of habit, but just to verify it’s working I’ve downloaded some random file with high leech ratio. Got it in fast, but upload is now going at less than 5% the upload capacity. Back in late 00s running torrents would instantly saturate the entirety of my 10mbit connection, and I’d like to think that terabytes I’ve seeded during that time make up for my abysmal ratios nowadays. But the reality is that there just simply is enough seeders already, and as a result the trackers I frequent to either dropped it entirely or switched to a scoring system based on how much and for how long people store obscure torrents that only few people seed, but I’m too short on drive space to participate in that.