just an annoying weed 😭

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2024


  • My chemistry teacher didn’t understand why consumers complain about pesticides, since she claimed you could just rinse them off easily (which isn’t entirely accurate). She got cancer shortly after.

    My anatomy and physiology teacher told the class he believed the entire Middle East should be nuked, after showing the wikipedia article on Ross Perot and talking about how the country is in decline because Perot lost the presidential election.

    He also body shamed women during class, and told women that if they are behind on cooking dinner they can just throw some garlic and onion in a pan and their husbands would smell the good aromas and not know any better.

    He also required students to dance and he video recorded every dance, this was not optional and had nothing to do with the curriculum, but it was treated very seriously like an end-of-class thesis. It doesn’t take much of an imagination to worry about what he was doing with those video tapes. This was at the same high school where it turns out one of the coaches was molesting the students.

  • You have to remember that one of his main constituents are the Reagan neoliberals and right-wing libertarians, so one of his main promises to these constituents is to reduce government. There is no further justification necessary, he is removing government regulation and bureaucracy, which is seen as a win by his constituents.

    Reading between the lines, while some right-wing libertarians will claim the whole government is a problem, the movement is funded by the rich and the political focus is pointed more at destroying regulations on corporations that impede irresponsible and unethical methods of profiteering, like the way the CFPB protects consumers from companies that commit fraud.

  • Remember when MP3 players were a thing? Well I still listen to mp3 files, but I can’t put them on my smartphone because manufacturers artificially reduce storage size on phones to force people to use cloud services, and the available mp3 players that accept microSD cards are remarkably bad in many ways. It makes me pessimistic about tech in general, there is no sense of humanism or building progress, that in the future the products will be easier or better. Based on current trends, it seems like in the future the tech will just be more exploitative and consumers are just captive at this point.