If/when it does get big enough, what would be a good solution? It would be possible to do the same as Reddit
If/when it does get big enough, what would be a good solution? It would be possible to do the same as Reddit
https://youtu.be/nS9QtzGwBcc simple enough that maybe it won’t get annoying
Look at 2020 during covid where the medical workers did not have PPE and how the supply chain was/is still stressed
I think these are more logistical and planning problems than fundamental lack of supply. The mask shortage was resolved by increasing production afaik. There is a large discrepancy between countries in the ratio between quality of health outcomes and expense of healthcare per person; even if it turns out to be a supply problem to get the most advanced available medicine to everyone, it is certainly possible to get the most impactful medical services to everyone.
We also lack the natural resources where we can just throw money aka paper at problems and their gone forever.
This is probably true though, spending by itself might not be enough, just I think that’s more because of dysfunction than natural resources.
It’s a fair point but that’s such a smug way to say it
We don’t have the supply to fill the demands
What makes you say that? Making food and housing and medical care for everyone isn’t impossible
The main rule I try to adhere to:
If I think someone who responded to my comment did not read the whole thing, I should not reply.
Well one reason is probably that signing your article content to help it be verified when it is repackaged elsewhere is kind of the opposite of what news sources are trying to do with their paywalls.
imo it conflicts too much with freedom of information. In general, if I know something then I shouldn’t be barred from continuing to know it and expressing it, even if that knowledge involves someone who would rather I couldn’t. There can be exceptions in extreme situations, but things like a “right to be forgotten” and “copyright” very broadly violate freedom of information.
I think people don’t even realize the scale of the removals, because when it isn’t banning you the platform goes out of its way to hide it from you when your comments are removed, it looks like it is still there while you are logged in but no one else can see it, I only even find out by using the reveddit extension, and I’ve been banned from subreddits just for mentioning that there’s a way to do this. It’s usually a totally innocuous comment that gets removed, assuming they just have a keyword that triggered a bot or a mod just didn’t like what I said and clicked delete. What they’re doing can hardly be termed ‘moderation’ anymore.
Nope genuinely never heard of him, thanks for the info
idk who it is either, I’m guessing he plays sports because of the logos
You can use IRC to pirate ebooks that you won’t be able to find on torrent sites.
Same, I think some people find some things funny and some don’t and it isn’t all about generational cohort